“Frog Pond Church” - A Spirit that Radiates Inclusive Hospitality
Welcome to our home, The Meridian United Church of Christ, aka the Frog Pond Church. We are a spiritual, non-fundamentalist community of members and friends who are growing from our deep roots of community service, social action, and open-minded Christian faith.
We are on a journey together to know God more fully and to grow in love for one another and for the world around us.
We embrace the universal grace of God in the diversity of backgrounds, perspectives, and life experiences.
So, whoever you are, and wherever you are on your life’s journey, you are welcome here.
Worship Services
Come join us in our Historic Chapel or on Zoom every Sunday at 10:30 AM Pacific for vibrant, interactive and inspiring services: Zoom link
To receive our weekly worship guide and weekly newsletter, please join our “Around the Pond” mailing list.
The church office is currently open by appointment only. Call 503-682-0339.
6750 SW Boeckman Rd
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Open and Affirming
We believe everybody belongs in God’s family – that it truly does take all kinds to make a world, and we’re glad of it! Learn more about the welcoming United Church of Christ.
Spiritual Vitality
Come as you are! Spend time with others who are seeking a progressive, inclusive, spiritual community, who desire to go deeper, to connect and reconnect authentically with God and with each other.
Community Engagement
It’s not just about us – we’re a people for others. Join us as we extend our love into the community and world.
Learning Community
We’re always growing. Experience how our learning activities cultivate open-minded, non-fundamentalist Christian values of compassion, curiosity, inclusivity and commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Topics include racial justice, sacred pathways, and the intersection of neural science and spirituality.
Our Facilities
See our beautiful building and grounds – and the many ways we put them to good use. Have ideas? We’re always excited to discover new ways to open our doors to the community!